Yes, the gun isn't a complete waste at all. I found the gun comfortable to use and the rail attachments are a great addition. The flip up sight on the gun was surprisingly functional, and can be used to make long distance angle shots that are quite accurate. If anything, it's one of the most "fun" guns I've bought. It's great for indoor and close range wars because it's easy to aim and fits so well in your hand. (My favorite set up is the pistol with attached stock, I find the attachable barrel and laser to be too cumbersome.)
It's a great gun, but the modding potential is slim, from what I've seen.
I was in Hutchinson, Kansas near Wichita with my relatives and found a Recon there. They seemed to have reached the midwest fine, although the one I found was alone and tagless. The green flashlight rail attachment was also for sale.
I bought it, brought it home, and opened up the gun.
The thing is quite useless. Shoots horribly, especially with the goddamn streamline darts. Modwise, I can't really see what people could do with this thing, but it seems to be just another Maverick - A gun with a cool concept that could never perform to the standards of the nerf guns we're already using. I really wouldn't reccomend buying this, shed an extra ten dollars for an extra longshot, rather than this.