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Member Since 16 Mar 2009Offline Last Active Dec 08 2010 05:13 PM
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In Topic: Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider
25 August 2010 - 12:23 PM
That is Amazing, Props for everything on that gun. Nice too see something different
In Topic: Mavrick Spring On Nitefinder Plunger Rod Help
24 August 2010 - 06:40 PM
Thanks Guys, I really appriciate it. Sorry about the spelling Im trying to improve cause Im not really good at typing with the keyboard I have now. I just got it, so sorry, and thank you for making it clear that you didn't want me to stop modding, thank you. By the way durka, thanks for the tip. I can't open my NF cause I striped a screw in it, so I have to drill through the screw when I get time.
In Topic: Mavrick Spring On Nitefinder Plunger Rod Help
23 August 2010 - 03:23 PM
OK I Just did some work on it Got the mavrick spirng in there. Then took 1/2 inch Cpvc pipe at least thats what iI think it is It mght be bigger or smaller didn't cheek put a barrel extension on it then did some cutting on a recon sholder peice attachment and super glud it on so it's like a rifle now. getting about 50, 55 ft on it. And I put some lube on it
In Topic: Mavrick Spring On Nitefinder Plunger Rod Help
23 August 2010 - 11:09 AM
I modded a nitefinder 2 years ago where I somehow got a marvirk spring in it and i can't remember how to do all i have for guns right now is a nightfinder and a big bad bow and it ruled got 45 feet i can't remember how to do it though i know thats what you have to do but don't know how to do it
In Topic: Mavrick Spring On Nitefinder Plunger Rod Help
23 August 2010 - 11:03 AM
durka durka, on Aug 23 2010, 10:49 AM, said:
Why are you telling someone to stop modding? Isn't this hobby supposed to be inclusive? Just because modding doesn't come easily to someone, doesn't mean they should be encouraged to give it up.
A word of advice wenie, don't go posting help threads as soon as you run into a problem. Search the site first, there's a lot to learn here.
Thanks Durka for defending me against these dickheads and buy the way ya you may think im a dumbass but i've worked with computers built them, fixed them, and program them so shut the hell up i've been tired and sick of everybody calling me a dumbass on here im fucking sick of it. I just asked For 2 reasons
1. Will it fit
2.And will it break the plunger rod
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