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Member Since 15 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2011 12:02 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I Need Help. Bbb Modding

09 August 2009 - 05:39 PM

6" barrels should work very well for a speed loader. I usually use o-ring lubricant for lubing. It doesn't have to be any particular brand.

In Topic: I Need Help. Bbb Modding

08 August 2009 - 02:16 PM

1&1/2 Ace 49 springs work very well. I don't think you can use a BBB spring and a NF spring, as they have very similar diameters. As for gluing the coupler, I used a little crazy glue and then added hot glue.

In Topic: Dartsmithing Tips Archive

04 August 2009 - 08:27 PM

Does the Polyethylene FBR offered by McMaster fit 17/32 brass well? Sorry if this has been asked before...

I think Ryan Mcnumbers talks about it on the first page of the communal dart making thread.

In Topic: Sofa Recap Thread

03 August 2009 - 05:48 PM

I live around Gainesville, GA ,but couldn't make it because my mom had to work and my dad had people coming over to install our gutters. I'll definitely try to make it over next time.

In Topic: Bbb Problem

26 July 2009 - 09:52 PM

The only thing I can think of is you forgot to put the orange nubs with the springs into the sides. I have no pics but it should be right in the middle of the holes(one on each side). If you lost these then your out of luck.

Thanks for the help! I'll take them out of the trash right now! I think a mod told me to take them out.