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Member Since 10 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2006 02:04 PM

Topics I've Started

Nerf: Source

17 October 2006 - 11:00 AM

So my friend and I have come up with an idea that, while still in the Pre-Pre Alpha stages, could turn out to be very fun. We're thinking about making a Nerf game based of the HL2 engine. We have a bunch of ideas that, while we still have no idea how to incorporate into a mod, would be awesome for First or Third-Person Shooter. Any ideas or if anyone has tried this before tell me, cause as the most mature of the Nerf forums I subscribe to, I consider you all to be the best source of ideas.

Firefly Trouble

12 October 2006 - 01:26 PM

I recently bought a firefly and, of course, was displeased with the stock range. So I pulledit apart, did the restrictor removal, upgraded the spring etc. But when I put it back together it won't stay cocked. I'm thinking that I positioned the priming handle incorrectly, and I haven't had a chance to experiment yet (school work) so I may have solved my own problem. I just wanted to know if anyone else has had a similar problem and how they fixed it. Thanks.


18 September 2006 - 01:08 PM

Has anyone made a useful holster for a Maverick? I've been testing a few designs but nothing really works for me. If you have please explain simply how you did it.

Paint Jobs

14 September 2006 - 01:41 PM

This is a thread for all you guys to post the custom paint jobs you give to your tools of foamy destruction. I'm looking for ideas for my arsenal.