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Member Since 10 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2013 04:51 AM

Topics I've Started

7 Shot Scattergun Attachment

26 April 2009 - 01:27 AM

I hope this belongs here...

I was bored one day. Then I found a Mav turret. I also found a 2" x 1/2" PVC bushing. Oh joy.

This is the result:
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To make the seventh barrel, I basically sanded out the hole in the middle of the turret and hot glued a portion of an lbb barrel in there. I then filled all the dead space in the back with hot glue.

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I then got rid of the three screw posts in the back of the turret.

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I took my 2" x 1/2" bushing and cut the back to reduce some dead space. I left about 1/8 of an inch.

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To make it attach to a 1/2 coupler, I took a small piece of PVC and supergued it to the bushing

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I superglued the turret and the bushing together, and came up with this:

the finished product
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With unplugged BBBB and sonic micros, I acheived a range of 35' flat. It's not too great, but it's something good to do if you have a spare turret. This thing is great for indoor wars.

This is my first topic here, I hope I don't die... <_<


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After plugging up the 7th shot, I got a range closer to 45 feet.