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Member Since 08 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2009 12:07 AM

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In Topic: Mega Missile Decrapification

19 August 2009 - 11:56 PM

1. I've seen them at kmart.
4. Anywhere were they sell basketballs and footballs and soccerballs

Yep, I've ONLY seen them at KMarts. I've also seen nice ball pumps at Toy's R Us, even dual action jobbies.

I tried putting a dual action ball pump in a big blast, a cruder way than rork did, but I found that I couldn't seal it completely air-tight because it had holes in the front for the dual action part that would get covered if I gooped over it. So I would go with normal pumps. It doesn't really matter, because 1-2 pumps should fill the tank anyway.

In Topic: Blastfire Help

05 May 2009 - 04:12 PM

I'm not sure if I'm seeing this correctly, but it looks like the nipple thing is stuck in one of the check valve holes. If it is, I had that problem with one of my at2k pumps. Just pry it out with a dowel, or pen, or something so it no longer is stuck in the check valve hole. Remember to spray some silicone in it too. Or, just buy a new one like Slug suggested.