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Spawn of the Freak

Member Since 22 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2009 06:41 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Air Zone Punisher Gatiling Blaster

23 September 2009 - 05:25 PM

Uggh.. The person that posted that is Clubgirlbingo from ebay. One of the shittiest cosmetic modders I've ever seen. They post all sorts of craptastic stuff on the bay. At least they finally learned how to paint. Well.. sorta.

They sold a few lancers I think, I saw video from a person who bought one, not too bad quality in my opinion.

Dude they screwed door latches on to them and painted them flat gold. woohoo.

I was thinking of someone different

He also made a green and black one, and a black and blue one.

Oh you're talking about Nerf360. They've made some really good guns in the past. It was on ebay about a month ago. I almost got their Lancer, but my money "dissapeared" AKA my parents stole it from me and I couldn't get it. Whoever won that Lancer is one LUCKY bastard

In Topic: Air Zone Punisher Gatiling Blaster

20 September 2009 - 10:50 PM

Ice you just made my day! :P I'm gonna check this out....

In Topic: ?magstrike-longshot Integration?

20 September 2009 - 10:33 PM

Or instead of making a longshot semi automatic and automatic... Why don't you just buy a magstrike? Ever stop to think of that?

Earth to Dumbass. I clearly said i HAVE a magstrike up in my first post. Or can you not read?

In Topic: ?magstrike-longshot Integration?

20 September 2009 - 10:30 PM

Of course it's possible, I already did it.

You did?! make a write-up man i wanna see it!

In Topic: ?magstrike-longshot Integration?

20 September 2009 - 11:25 AM

Wow. I didn't think of it in ANY of those ways. I'll give it a try. Thanks guys.