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Member Since 19 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2014 10:23 AM

Topics I've Started

PETG in the UK

15 May 2013 - 07:47 AM

Anyone know where i can pick up PETG in the UK?

Longshot Assistance Needed

30 December 2009 - 09:28 AM

After following several guides on the haven in order to modify my longshot I finally finished a worthy weapon. However I have a few problems Which I can't fix or can't seem to find a solution. Firstly, for some reason my blaster will not allow me to prime the bolt on the right side. It simply will not pull back. However on the left side the bolt functions smoothly. I have taken everything out to see if somethng was blocking the movement but could not find anything. After a clean the blaster was reassembled only to find the problem still remained. Secondly the accuracy of my blaster Is appalling I am puzzled about what may be causing this. I have no spring upgrade and my dart tooth is still in if that matters but all my shots fish tail or fly wide. Finally the range on this gun is not very good either I am unsure if tha is just as I only have the longshot spring in it or because of something else to do with the amount of air going through to the dart. Any help would be grately appreciated and I will provide extra information if needed.



A War In London?

15 June 2009 - 10:19 AM

I was wondering wether or not anyone would attend a Nerf war in London? I may be planning on having one and i was wondering if anyone in the UK or anywhere else for that matter would be interested?