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Member Since 20 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2006 09:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Pistol

06 July 2006 - 08:28 AM

Ompa that is so friggin sick. Looks kinda like a Mauser which is also pretty sick. Good job as always.

But the thing that I like the most is that the priming handle and the breech opener and closer are all in one motion. That way you only have to cock and you're ready to go. I don't like it at all when I see a modification or homeade that requires you to do three or four different things in order to fire one shot.

Also how is this breech system and different then that of say the one on the near, so far, or some of your others?

In Topic: My Boomstick

03 July 2006 - 02:50 PM

Excellent work! It looks great, and I can't really see any problems with the functioning of the gun. I will say one thing though, as I've encountered a few issues using a bolt system like yours. All that extra space from where the bolt has to slide leaves alot of dead space between where the plunger ends and where the dart is located. You could probably do away with half of the cpvc shroud you have there, and use the charging handle to both load the shell AND push back the plunger. That way, you don't need all that space between the plunger head and the beginning of the bolt for the bolt to slide around.


I definitley have to second that to ompa about what he said with the charging handle and the bolt opener to be in one motion idea.


In Topic: Dtg Integration

01 July 2006 - 07:39 PM

Great job as usual Carrtoon. But whats the weird metal bar coming down the bottom back of the pump. It looks like the back a wrench. A really tiny wrench.

Also is one pump from that bike pump enough to fill the 2k tank completely or no?

Also the 2k tank was integrated very cleanly.

Maybe instead of putting a stock in the extra space where the spirng and catch was before you could integrate maybe a nightfinder or crossfire and have a barrel up top so that you can shoot an extra shot incase you are reloading during a battle.Or you could put a stock, doesnt really matter.But good job anyways.


(Posting from Philadelphia) WOOT!

In Topic: The Thing

26 June 2006 - 11:39 PM

Sorry for the double post, it won't let me edit my post again for some reason. But I'm just a complete idiot because it is a springer, but now I have another question which is what do you do in order to cock it.


In Topic: The Thing

26 June 2006 - 10:14 PM

Very nice work their Bowie. I definitley have to say that this "Thing" is definitley my favorite out of all of your homemades. Very nice job as always. Keep up the good work. But my question is, is why do you start up a project and have no idea as to where you are going with the whole gun itself? It seems a little weird to me because if it was me I would at least come up with some type of plan on what I was going to do before hand so that I know what materials to buy and such. But hey it works for you, so more power to ya. Also what is the gun, like is it air pressure or spring? My guess is that it is air pressure. So what do you do? Do you have some type of air tank that you attach to it or something like that? Interesting concept if it's true. Also good find on the pipe insulator that you used instead of an o-ring. Good job as always.
