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Member Since 23 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2016 04:15 PM

Topics I've Started

Marshmallow Mforcer

27 May 2010 - 09:39 AM

A while back I seen these Marshmallow guns posted by Mr. BadWrench and decided to pick up a couple. It took me forever to get around to modding them, but finally… here are my results.

Start with this:

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Open it up to see the internals.

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First thing to do is glue this little hose down. It is weak and expands, so I super glued it down and coated it in plumber’s goop. Note: plumber’s goop does not stick to the hose plastic, so in the future I will be replacing this hose.

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Next I took the front piece off and boiled it in hot water until the glue gave way, this allowed me to not have to cut the pump handle. Do not cut the pump handle as it goes all the way into the pump housing only leaving the little piece that is glued sticking out.

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For my pump handle I used a piece of 3/4 PETG pipe and epoxy puttied it to the stock pump handle to extend it, then I added a foam rod butt cap (fishing rod building material) to the end to make it comfortable to pump.

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For the barrels I cut off 2 inch sections of OMC PETG and then used a 5/8” brass tube as the attaching sleeve. The original barrels have a nice funnel pinch point on them that holds the darts great and gives it a popping noise when shot.

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The turret uses magnets to align the rotation, but when pulling the trigger quickly these have a tendency to skip or not align up correctly. So I took some Foam sticker sheets and cut out two small pieces to create a friction point to slow down the barrel. This has cause that issue to disappear.

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Next, put it all back together and go crazy with your 15 shot semi auto rear-loading pistol.

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Ranges: 25-35 feet with 3/0 mod darts. I am sure I would get better range with single bb darts, but I don’t have any to test at the moment.


Introducing A Hellcannon

03 June 2009 - 11:05 PM

I have been testing Inline clip barrels lately and wanted to see if I could apply this tech to my Doomsayer. So far the tests are showing a lot of promise, and my current ammo capacity is 48 streamlines, or 60-72 stefans (2 inch and 1.5 inch respectfully). I have yet to do range test, but I know already that I am not going to get anywhere near my old ranges. I am hoping the overwhelming amount of shots I can make will counterbalance loss of range.

Materials needed:
6ft Clear Petg Tube, 5/8”Od, ½” Id (Mcmaster 9245k25)
12ft Clear Petg Tube, 3/4 “ Od, 5/8” Id (Mcmaster 9245k29)
Plumbers Goop

Step 1: Take the barrels out of your Doomsayer and pray you don’t break it.
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Step2: Cut off the outer part of the yellow shell that came with the RFSG. I used this as a new seat for my barrels since the ¾” Petg fits it perfectly. So I slapped this onto the Doomsayer Turret and sealed it up with Plumbers Goop.
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Step 3:Assemble your barrels by cutting the ¾” Petg into 12” lengths (you can go shorter if you want better ranges), and cutting the 5/8” Petg into 5-6” lengths (the shorter you go with the ¾” the longer you can go with the 5/8”). Get your Plumbers Goop!
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Step 4: Glue the 5/8” inside the ¾”. It is an airtight fit so this combo works great. The ID of the 5/8” Petg is really ½”, so you may have to use something else as barrel material if that is too tight for your darts (works perfect on nerf darts, and Swiftnerf’s white foam).
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Step 5: Put the Inline Clip Barrels in the Doomsayer, and fill them with the ammo of your choice. Fire till your arm falls off… then maybe you might need to reload.
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Before your eyes your Doomsayer should turn into a HellCannon. This is a very front heavy gun (add to the fact that this is a three spring Doomsayer, Orig/LS/BBB) so make sure you don’t have spaghetti noodles for arms before attempting to handle this monster.
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Here is an example of firing 36 shots. I do have the fun angled down slightly so that does help with loading of the next round, but as you can see I don't have to point the gun at the ground to get the next round into position. I did have two rounds that didn't fire correctly towards the very end, but that does not happen when I have multi-rounds in the clip. Only when there is one dart in there.

Ranges flat:
Full Clip 71'-80'
One Round in Clip 63'-67'

Looks like the range variance from a full clip to a almost empty clip will be anywhere from 10-20'.

Short video of reloading 6 of the inline clips.


Hope you like it.

Ratchet Blast Re-barrel

25 March 2009 - 08:12 PM

I got my hands on a pair of Ratchet Blasters and since they are designed to shoot mega, I figured a barrel modification would not hurt. The current barrels were loose on Mega’s and had a poor performance. About 20’ if you are lucky.

After opening it up and taking a look at the spring setup and trigger mechanism, I figured I didn’t need to add anything here. The plunger is a nice size and the stock plunger is not bad at all. Besides adding an additional spring may mess with the cocking action (See YouTube Video).

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So take off the front barrel assembly, the plunger rotates on this gun while the turret is stationary. Separate the two pieces of the turret.

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Remove the pegs; they didn’t do anything with air restrictors back in the day. Just a quick twist with pliers and they slide right out.

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Get your favorite barrel material (I'm using .602 kitespar fiberglass rod) and prep it. I had to sand mine down a little for a snug fit.

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Goop your new barrels to the back plate of the turret and slide the two turret pieces back together.

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Reassemble. Take video of test firing.

Range, I’m getting around 45’. Very easy guns to duel wield.

Just Another Maverick Mod

11 March 2009 - 02:56 PM

Here is a set of modifications I have done to my Maverick to try and improve its subpar performance.

Open the Maverick up and the first thing I did was do the straw mod on the plunger to kill all that dead space. http://nerfhaven.com...?showtopic=5673

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I am planning on tightening the seal between the barrel cylinder and the plunger, so I needed to make sure my barrel would always rotate. To do this I opened the rotation mechanism and super glued the two halves together. Replace the spring and reassemble. http://nerfhaven.com...?showtopic=8367

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Next I replaced my barrels with 17/32 brass for a nice snug fit. I will also be testing one with OMC PETG, but that is for another time.

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Took the spring from the accessories slider and applied it to the front of the barrel cylinder. http://nerfhaven.com...?showtopic=5735

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Then I lined the inside of my plunger tube with a large flat rubber band and super glued it in. This helps create a tight seal with the added spring in the front, and the rubber band to give it a flexible plane to rest against.

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For springs I am using the original maverick spring plus I threaded in my longshot front gun spring. Both are tiny and pretty much useless. I’m sure if I used a nightfinder spring I would get better ranges, but since I am using this for a larp I am restricted on how much power I can apply to the gun.

I then added additional rubberbands to the trigger mechanism to give the barrel cylinder more rotation power. I don't every want to have my barrel missalign with my plunger tube.

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Painted Black and Silver. I used Krylon Fusion Black, and Krylon Metallic Silver.

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12 shots ranged from 42’-56’ with a fairly consistent spread and an average of about 51.