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Member Since 29 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2008 09:05 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Air Pressure Gun

20 August 2008 - 06:44 PM

This will work, it just might take you a while to reload it. I saw instructions for a similar gun elsewhere, but it was made to shoot either marshmallows and marbles. Building pressure, then offsetting the pressure to fire. I don't know how far it would shoot though. I'd guess some decent ranges, at least 50-60 feet. The half inch thickness should be perfectly fine.

For those wondering how I have such a low post count and low member number, I have been lurking... B)

In Topic: Parachute Grenade?

17 February 2007 - 04:24 PM

Would a douchenator work if the firing end was made larger? It was designed for water balloons but I think it might work in this case, since it is about 3", if you made a 2.5" grenade, and put electrical tape around it, putting it in parachute first, it should work.
Link to Douchenator

In Topic: Dartsmithing Tips Archive

09 November 2006 - 08:58 PM

Is it possible to buy foam backer rod from a store, and if so, where would you look to buy it?
Since I live in Canada, I don't have an Ace Hardware or Lowes near me.

In Topic: Rapid Fire 20

09 November 2006 - 06:56 PM

Hate to say this, but it decimates my darts. Half of the darts I have used are split in half (suction cup separating from foam), so I took out the air restrictors so that i can use stefans

In Topic: I Need A Quick And Easy Rf 20 Mod

07 November 2006 - 08:09 PM

If you're really stuck, you can just simply remove the air bladder casing. This allows you to see how much air is in the bladder, so that you know when you're out of air, and when to stop pumping. I just did that today ;) You could also remove the posts on your turret so that you can fire stefans. The RF 20 was mainly for Nerf darts though.