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Member Since 09 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active May 24 2016 01:16 AM

Topics I've Started

Homemade Tubing Connector For 1/4 Od Tubing

09 December 2009 - 11:23 PM

Okay, if anything is unclear please clarify and tell me in a response to this thread. I apologize for the poor pictures.

NOTE: Not pictured but necessary are Goop, Super Glue, and Paper towels.
Posted Image
If unsure, that is needle nose pliers, scissors, a pen, Etape, a saw, and the vinyl tubing.

Start with the pen.
Posted Image

Pull it open. Should look like this.
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The following video demonstrates how to pull a very important part out of the pen, and I cannot describe it in words. This is bad quality

When you're done, you'll end up with this:
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Cut the pen body.
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Click here for another poor video.

Wrap your tubing once and once only with Etape. Repeat on the other tubing you want to connect.
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Stick the red piece from earlier in one section of tubing. If you skimmed the writeup, we got it out of the pen in the first video.
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Put super glue and goop on the Etape on the tubing. No picture, but it shouldn't really be needed.

Slip the cut up pen body over the tubing.
Posted Image

Slide the other tubing in.
Posted Image

Wait for everything to dry, maybe put more Etape around it.

Good to go. I tested it with my Magstrike and no leaks as of yet. Hopefully I can use the same concept for a tubing tee...

The Lover- Invasian's Editable Primary

22 February 2009 - 11:01 PM

Okay, lets hope this post works this time. Here it is-

Posted Image

Its the first version with my equipment beside it. The whole thread is for contributions for a second version. Sorry the picture is bad, I will clarify for anybody. I am trying to get permission to use the family camera (don't discuss this, I got it)

The "Lover" is my proof of this-
a person who has a strong enjoyment or liking for something, (being Nerf)

The gun itself is a Big Blast, with an integrated NF into the front. I am willing to make one for you if you want (do not say "Who the in the hell of their right mind would want to buy that?"), as soon as I figure out a payment system.

The BBBB is Couplered (Ramrodding seems impractical, even for a long range gun), and the NF is also.

I wanted to make something like this because-
  • I wanted a multi-use primary
  • I enjoyed admiring the Guru
  • Who does not like integrations?
I reversed the formula of the Guru for this, described in this analogy (kind of).
Springer onto Airgun to Airgun onto Springer

Well, all considerations, flames, and comments are to be left here.

Edit- I am waiting for your comment, BustaNinja, based on yours in the failed thread.

Other things involving the "Lover" will be posted on the RVMVTVProduction site.

The InvAsian has succeeded.

Persuasive War Nerf

30 January 2009 - 05:24 PM

Look, even i think the title sucks. But that is beside the point. Today, my friend borrowed my 4B Modded for some test firing. Later, he decided to see some pain infliction, so he shot my brother's friend. He pumped it four times- 3 less than I usually pump it. He shoots from a five foot distance, similar to the distance FA-24 shot in his Mongo Titan Video. He shot, and a little later a welt appeared. I had to talk to my mom, but then I went back outside. We shot each other with 4B's and had no similar result to that one shot. Now my mom is skeptical about bringing me, or letting me go, to Armageddon. What should I do know?

Side Notes:
All of my Stefans have about an eighth of an inch of FBR at the end of each dart.
Not all pumps pressurized the tank.
My friend and I are notified to be a little pain resistant.

Advice For A Nerfing League

22 January 2009 - 01:12 AM

I thought that before Armageddon, or even afterward, if I should organize a league or clan for the Nerfers in my general area: that is if you call them Nerfers. I have to DartSmith and Mod for my younger brother who is only a year younger than me. As told by my signature, I am the first modder in the Mission Viejo/ Coto De Caza/ Trabuco Canyon area. The closest Nerfer registered here on the Haven (other than my friend) is up in Irvine, so I thought I should get nerfing down here. As far as I know, only two people aroung here mod Nerf guns. While we just started, I am pretty well going. My friend just finished his first paintjob and mod. Anyway, the question stands:

Should I start a NERF league developing Nerfers to mod regularly and are willing to help me host a war (after a few goes at other wars, including Armageddon)? If so, what should I start with, and when?

Suggestions are also welcome, such as whether or not I should have requirements or if I should give them all a NiteFinder to mod and test them .



Edit- Sorry, context errors.