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Member Since 03 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2006 12:25 PM

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In Topic: My Maverick Mod.

12 April 2006 - 11:42 PM

Did the plunger part of the mod and it worked great! Since I only have one Mav I really don't have much a comparison for before and after. It seems to work much better now.

In modding the gun I have found that my biggest problem isn't creating more tension in the seal between the barrell and the plunger, but keeping the barrell free enough to be able to fully rotate with the pull of a trigger. The added tension makes it stick half way through a rotation. I figured a ligger lubrication would help but unfortunately it didn't. Any ideas on relieving the tension or bettering the racheting mechanism that operates the barrell?

Also, I found that creating the tension by hot-gluing the face of the plunger to the inside of gun assembly keeps it tight against the barrell. Of course there is my problem: too tight against the barrell.

Danny Boy