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shadow ninja

Member Since 04 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2006 11:21 AM

Topics I've Started

Comics Who Likes Them!

16 August 2006 - 05:55 PM

What's ypur favorite comic you've read and what's ypur favorite type of comic style for example western, horror, and fantasy.

My Favorites:
1. V for Vendetta
2. Spawn
3. Punisher
4. Spiderman
5. Wolverine
6. Iron Man
7. Batman (I for one no affence hate that steriod loving invinsable Superman)

Cowboys And Indians

03 August 2006 - 09:16 AM

Well recently my freind got this toy gun that is a six shooter and looks really cool but the ranges suck. I modded the gun so it could fire nerf by placing a adapter that chanelled the air to the dart and added a bungee to it so it tops out at 20 feet. It's still horrible but still it's a start. I plan to buy my own because it was like 2 dollars a some party store so figure I can tweek it. Oh yeah by the way here's a picture to show you what it looks like.

Posted Image

Ompa Edit: Fixed your image tags. Also added periods.

Another Noob Question For All The Older Guys

30 April 2006 - 07:43 AM

Hey guys it's me again with another noob question. Has anyone made a full-auto barrel clip nerf gun like the Thompson. Could it be for a nerf tag gun or a older nerf gun the chainblazer.

Hey I'm A Noob Who Needs Help With A Project

29 April 2006 - 06:07 PM

Recenetly I started my created an awsome design for a nerf loser rifle that used these huge Home Depot springs. I put the gun together and it doesn't work. DOES ANYONE HAVE A WAY TO HELP ME!