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Member Since 07 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2010 10:10 PM

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The "stefanzooka"

10 December 2008 - 06:23 PM

My first homemade Nerf gun is kind of a ball-valve gun with a lot of black electrician's tape on it (to cover leaks and to make it look cool). It shoots every standard dart such as micros, taggers, etc. and stefans. It uses PVC piping, except for the end, which uses CPVC piping (all 1/2 inch).

Posted Image

The CPVC was a little crooked in that picture.

Here's the pump. I took the whole tube thing off the pump and fitted it in to the PVC.

Posted Image

Here's the ball-valve. (Below)

Posted Image

Yes, my rims are hot, as you can see above the valve. No, that's not my car.



P.S. This post's purpose was to give ideas to people for homemades.

P.S.S. PM me if you can't see the pictures.

EDIT: Oh, and it shoots around 40 feet.