Hey Nerfers,
This is my first topic and post so bear with me.
The other day I was looking around the net for some arsenals and I found the new rapid fire 20, currently it is not on hasbro.com so I don't know how he got it but it is called the Rapid Fire AS 20 in the N-Strike range. It is the same but with different colors and I can show you the actual pic of it and also it is on Amazon.com which is wierd that it is on these sites and not Hasbro.com.
I saw it on this site first: (scroll down)
If you want to buy it, it is on amazon.com (or you can wait a little while before it is on hasbro or in stores)
Fire Ferret.
Member Since 24 Oct 2008Offline Last Active Oct 16 2009 07:04 AM