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Member Since 09 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2006 05:30 PM

Topics I've Started

A Clip For Stock Darts?

12 March 2006 - 10:37 PM

Thats right. I went there. Since I do inside wars, and only have my Nite Finder, I was thinking of ways to use stock darts in a clip. I realized that Ompa's Clip wouldn't work for me, so what I am planning on doing is making my own type of clip, the Hamsterdam Clip. The reason I am only posting schematics, is for all the engineers here to point out flaws in my design, before I destroy my gun.
Posted Image

Here's the first part.

Posted Image

Thats it!

Edit: Unfortunately, photobucket resizes the photos.
What I did, was I cut a breech in the barrel. Then I cut a breech in come pvc coupler, the same size. I put that over the barrel. Then I attached the clip, a little past the coupler. When I twist it, theoretically, It should force a dart into the barrel. Then twist and fire.

Rapid Fire 20...

22 February 2006 - 07:28 PM

My friend is having trouble with his rf20. He is using stock darts. All he has done is removed the air restrictors, but now it won't fire them. Does this always happen, so he will have to use stefans? If so, can anyone suggest mods to do to the rf20 that will increase performance but still allow it to fire stock darts?

Making Stefans

11 February 2006 - 03:38 PM

OK, I'm a noob to nerf. I just bought my nite finder, did the usual mods, added a crayola barrel. Now I need to make stefans. I'm planning on using .5 fbr, but i need something to weight it down with. I can't get bb's or fishing weights, so what can i do? I've heard about tack-weighted stefans, but am confused how you do this. Pictures would greatly be appreciated!