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Member Since 07 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2014 01:02 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pump-action Crossbow

13 September 2010 - 03:56 PM

qwertyupp, on Sep 11 2010, 08:25 PM, said:

Kalex, on Sep 11 2010, 01:53 PM, said:

Call it the Tallywhacker, and then shoot Talio with it.

Why not the Vaccwacker? He might get more pissed off.

Because Tallywhacker is british slang for Penis, and we can never have enough guns named after Genitalia. :rolleyes:

In Topic: Pump-action Crossbow

11 September 2010 - 04:53 PM

Call it the Tallywhacker, and then shoot Talio with it.

In Topic: Nightraider

01 April 2010 - 04:30 PM

Hm. Now I must One-Up this and build a Long-Raider. Or a Raid-Shot. Or something like that.

In Topic: A New Singled Longshot.

31 March 2010 - 09:00 PM

He's made a Super-crossbow that gets almost singled titan ranges.

In Topic: Plumber's Putty

31 December 2009 - 12:16 PM

Personally, I use Magnum Steel. It's a lot denser, and a lot harder than bondo. It comes in smaller quantities, but it's worth it.