Member Since 02 Jan 2006Offline Last Active Nov 18 2016 01:21 PM
Profile Feed

Keo → sistermol
Thanks! I hope you enjoy them. If I have anything you may want, I may be interested.

Keo → sistermol
Thanks! I hope you enjoy them. If I have anything you may want, I may be interested.

sistermol → Keo
hey keo just letting you know i got the things a while ago my internet got cut off before i was able to let u know thank you for the trade also i have a new sale/trade thread check it out if you feel like it

Keo → sistermol
I bummed a ride and got to the postal today, and shipped it all with insurance.

sistermol → Keo
sorry that you got in a wreck and i didnt know you had another humble adobe i wasnt trying to heckle you or anything i just hadnt heard from you in almost a week.
and why does it always double post? i think its only a problem on windows 7 because it did it to me on my mothers computer but it doesnt do it on my computer and i have XP
and why does it always double post? i think its only a problem on windows 7 because it did it to me on my mothers computer but it doesnt do it on my computer and i have XP

Keo → sistermol
Got the package, thanks. No one told me I had mail, while I was away at my other house and just discovered it myself. I'm terribly sorry, again. Had a horrible wreck involving just my own car on the way home from school and my car is trashed. My grandma is coming over, i'll try to get a ride to the post or bus up if possible. I found so more stuff i'll add in completely free.

Keo → sistermol
Got the package, thanks. No one told me I had mail, while I was away at my other house and just discovered it myself. I'm terribly sorry, again. Had a horrible wreck involving just my own car on the way home from school and my car is trashed. My grandma is coming over, i'll try to get a ride to the post or bus up if possible. I found so more stuff i'll add in completely free.