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Member Since 24 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2009 09:41 PM

Topics I've Started

A Few Questions.

06 January 2009 - 11:56 PM

I am about to embark on the great journey that is attempting a homemade, yet I had a few questions before I begin. No, I am not asking if something would work or not, I just need some help in areas I don't quite understand.

1. Anyone who is an expert on inline clips or rscb clips, please pm me. There are a few things I need to know.

2. How does the Vulcan rotate the chain to the next shot, turning the gears the exact same amount with each trigger pull? I need to adapt this so I would have a motor turning a turret every time the trigger is pulled.

3. Captain Slug, I think, will probably be the most knowledgeable on this one, but how does the trigger release air from a hpa tank? Is it a mechanical action or is it due to air pressure? I want to be able to do this without just building a blaster over a paintball gun.

The New Evil Knievel

11 November 2008 - 01:05 PM

These are some videos me and my friends made, and I thought I would put them up here. And no, I am not the guy on the bike, I'm the one with the A7X hoodie. Tell me what you guys think!
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

I can see that a lot of people are viewing this thread, but no one is commenting. Anyone have thoughts, suggestions, flames?