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Member Since 20 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 08 2017 05:29 PM

Topics I've Started

Recon Isn't Catching

26 April 2009 - 09:29 AM

I took apart my recon a while ago to mod it but I just left it out for a few months and then I tried to put it back together. I have everything in place but for some reason it won't catch no matter how many times I take it out or put it back together.

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Crno The 3rd

17 April 2009 - 07:07 PM

I'm hosting another one so that I know that it won't turn out like the last one with all the rain. This time should be a walk in the park.

-Where: Church Rd park, Morton PA, 19070
-When: July 11th
-How Long: 10:00-6-7:00

-Being in the midst of summer there is likely to be a game of baseball there or lots of people. But it's a BIIIG field, there should be a space where we could go. And if you're all feeling up to it, if no one is using the back field we can move all of our stuff and move to the end where there should be two benches. There's also parking there so it shouldn't be much of a hassle if you redirect whoever is driving to the back parking lot. Other than that, we're fine. I'll get most of my non modifier friends up to level before this war so they shouldn't slow it down if they come.

-Bring a lunch if you can or there is a BK you can go to. Bring at least one spring pistol and a primary. Bring enough darts so you won't be having trouble or sitting out for a few rounds. And an extra, remember to bring some screwdrivers or something to find a way to fix your guns if something happens. Although self-explanatory, this is just to help you remember.

Safety Rules:
-Bring Eye Protection, it may be hot or slightly pleasant, so wear what you're fine with.

Banned Guns:
-Singled Titans, Supermaxxes that are powerful. Shotgun titans are allowed as long as it has at least 4 shots.

-Team Deathmatch
-Maybe some CTF


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Definites/95%: 3
-Zach Attack

Most Likely/80%: 8-13
+ 5-10 from me
+ 1 guy from PAwar (I don't know his name)

Maybe/60-70%: 3
-Homasimpson (FU)


Crno #2

28 March 2009 - 07:42 AM

Well it's been the moment some of you have been waiting for, although it is a short notice. My spring break is the 4th through the 13th, so this will be held on.....

-Date: April 11th
-Where: Church Rd park, Morton PA, 19070
-When: 11:30 to 5:30

OK, so April is the month that teams start using the field, so If we have to, we find a way to play around them, or go to the other field. We don't want to mess up their games, But besides that we're fine.

Bring a lunch if you can, I most likely will not be supplying food, although there is a BK near by. Stray away from civilians, Stray away from teams using the field, Stray away from shooting in the direction of parked cars, Stray away from shooting the face, Stray away from stray animals. Bring enough darts so that you won't be having trouble on the field, or sitting out for rounds, bring extra darts for some who may need them, bring loaner guns for some who may need them, Keep bad mouthing to a minimum, and Stray away from too many sex jokes. That is starting to annoy me a little. Bring at least One Primary, and At least on Spring pistol.

Banned Guns:
No; Singled Titans, Doomsayers, "Soulreapers", Supermaxxes that are powerful. Scatter Cannon Titans are allowed as long as it has at least 4 shots.

Safety Rules:
Bring Eye protection, Dress accordingly on how you like to dress.

-Team Deathmatch

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This is the whole field view standing atop the playground.

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This is farther into the field.

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Notice that the grass is greener only on top of the playground.

Definite: (14)
-Deadshooter711 +3
-Gears +2
-Ice +4
-Zach Attack +bro

Most likely:



Ammo Rail

07 February 2009 - 11:19 PM

I searched and I didn't turn up anything and I thought it was somewhat a good idea for guns that are minimized.
Basically you get any extra rail you have from accessories or a crossfire and attach an Nf ammo holder on the top any way you can (glue, velcro). I've had one for a while on my minimized NF and it works well and it doesn't have to have permanent bulk added to it since it's detachable and kinda looks cool to me. And you could also put it on any other gun even if they aren't minized just for a little extra ammo. Plus if you put velcro to attach it you could get multiple ammo holders and reload the ammo quickly (weird).
A few picture links to what mine looks like.
Ammo rail on gun

Ammo rail next to gun

Shit, I better have not been late on this.

Nerf War Crno

07 February 2009 - 10:00 PM

-Where: Church Rd park, morton PA 19070
-When: March 14th
-How long: 11.00-5.30.


We can go to either one of the parks anytime, And parking will be a little tough since a lot of people go there to for the train. If there is a team using the field that day, we will use the smaller park. I should be at the Church Road Park near the Baseball field setting up at around 10:15.

Safety Rules:
Eye protection. Dress accordingly for a chili day.

Banned guns:
Titans, Supermaxxes that are powerful (I don't know the numbers), Doomsayers. Any Big blast or titan scatter cannon is allowed as long as it has at least a 4 shot spread. Singled big blasts are allowed as long as you don't use your max range for close shots (30-50ft).

Bring a lunch if you can, I most likely will not be supplying food. Bring enough darts so you won't be having trouble or sitting out for rounds. And we probably can't play at the playground since the parking lot is near it and I wouldn't want random darts hitting cars. Since it's a big open field, Would anyone be able to bring any Portable War Obstacles? I'll see if I can get creative with some boxes but I will probably need you to bring some cover.

We will do anything basically. but here's what I know we'll do.
-CTF (I will bring the DTVests as flags for this game, but I will need someone to bring a green and orange DTVest for 4 teams, or 2 vulcans. We will most likely use Dart Tag blasters so bring some Crossfires and DTBs.
-Team Deathmatch
-Gunslingers Heaven

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We may be able to play in the playground we can use stock guns or low ranged guns (40-50). I don't want any too many darts hitting the parking lot, or people who may be playing there.

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These are a views of the field from the start. This is about 2/3 of it.

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This is farther into the field.

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This is about half the baseball field.

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This is where we will set up.

And now, onto the park across the street.
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This is basically the whole field. Great for CTF. Kinda like the PA war field but different.

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This is the wooded area of this park. I didn't go farther in but I think it's a little bigger.

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And another view of the park. I actually forgot the name of this park, and the sign is further up the road so I didn't really feel like going up there.
So as you can see I need more people attending because the field is too big for just a small amount of people. Come on, bring some friends or something.

I'm gonna need some loaner guns also. My friends don't mod yet, and I would like if they got a chance to be even on the field, so bring some extra guns for my friends and some other attendees who may need them.

Definites: (7-11) < lulz
-Gears +2-5
-Zach Attack
-StealthMan (validating)

Most Likely:

Maybe: 0

And if you are validating, you can message me on youtube. Link is in my profile.