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Member Since 18 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2009 07:21 AM

Topics I've Started

Nerf Gun Project

22 October 2008 - 06:50 PM

First off, I do not know if this belongs in the modifications section but anyways.

I am doing a science fair project on if the length of a barrel affects the distance a foam dart can fly (in this case a stefan). I need some "research" so does anybody have knowledge on what barrel lengths have worked the best for you? Any and all help or "research" Is greatly appreciated.

Plus some background information is that I will be using a Nitefinder with AR removal, cpvc coupler'd , and bands added (it's in the Modification pictures thread, page 108 if i'm not mistaken) for all of the tests.



Sanford Florida Nerf War

16 October 2008 - 06:15 PM

A Florida war?

Yes, This is it guys the war in Florida!


At derby park 2199 Oregon ave. Sanford Florida 32771


November 15 2008

The pavillion is rented from 11:00-2:00 for lunch and Preparing

Your Needs?

A packed lunch

Extra Blasters in case one malfunctions/brakes

Eye protection if under 18 (sunglasses are fine) - If you are older than 18 you nerf at your own risk

You need 100 stefans


None except the games played's rules


The games that will be played is based on request

I.E.= Capture the flag

Banned guns?

This is on a case-by-case basis


I will have pictures as soon as I can

Definites (7-11)

Me + 3-4 Guests


2 unvalidated NH members

Possibles (2)

Nonsense man + 1 guest

Please Help A Noob

20 September 2008 - 08:51 PM

Hi, i'm new. I've searched the forums but, I need help figuring out what type of pvc/cpvc size I need. I've been to home depot, and lowe's but i'm totally confused. How tight should the bullet be in the pvc/cpvc? And pictures of the writing on the pvc/cpvc would be extremley helpful!

please don't ban me or that kind of stuff like I said I'm a noob to this stuff.

thank you for your help,
