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Erin Jenna

Member Since 05 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2008 07:50 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fall Seno

09 December 2008 - 07:52 PM

Some things have come up for me and I won't be able to make it.

Also, Vince will not being going, because I'm sure he won't want to go without me. (Since he doesn't know anyone.)

Sorry about it! Unexpected!


In Topic: Fall Seno

01 December 2008 - 11:12 PM

I am confirming my attendance (as of tonight) for the 13th, and I will be bringing Vince along with me.

And possibly Matthew if I can convince him.. :P

So, mark me down for


In Topic: Fall Seno

29 November 2008 - 10:02 PM

I just called. His mailbox said he was off fighting zombies and dinosaurs.

But he'll come. He loves me.


In Topic: Fall Seno

29 November 2008 - 09:56 PM

You know what? I think I'll go ahead and wear that gown to the war. Black hides dirt well, right?

Hey, I'll invite Matthew. I bet he would get into it. No actually, I doubt it. He had to cancel on me one night because he got wrapped up reading Twilight and forgot about our plans. What a pansy!

I DO have a friend, Vince, from Lakeside that would probably be interested. I know he plays sometimes and he's got a pretty good collection of guns. Do you care if I extend an invitation?


And PS: You can bet I'll be playing the cards right. And you boys are the only fine gentlemen for me. HAHA.

In Topic: Fall Seno

29 November 2008 - 08:02 PM

Here I was bummed and coddling accidental babies and reading the Twilight series all weekend! I'm actually quite happy for the rain!

As for dates, I'm pretty sure I'm open. December 13th might be rough, because my friend Matthew Daniel is taking me to a winter semi-formal that night...And last I checked sweat and ballgowns don't mix too well.

But I don't think my schedule really matters so....

Yay! Hopefully everything will work out. And go ahead and count me on for any date.

