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Member Since 23 May 2008Offline Last Active Nov 07 2008 09:25 AM
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In Topic: Nerf Swords
13 June 2008 - 10:38 PM
In Topic: Nerf Swords
13 June 2008 - 03:05 PM
In Topic: Nerf Swords
12 June 2008 - 07:32 PM
deaddumpster, on Jun 12 2008, 03:54 PM, said:
Why did this turn into a heated debate on the looks of one's motherly figure?
I think this actually looks pretty damn cool. I know OMC used a sword at APOC last year, so it really all depends with these. If the core is PVC, there had better be some thick foam covering it and it had better stay on well. I don't really want to get hit in the face with a piece of piping.
Yeah the foam wont come off, the whole thing would break befor that would happen, and it would take alot for the whole thing to break. It still hurts when you get hit in the face with a hard swing though, just the way it should be... You wont get injured or anything though.
Sleebo, on Jun 12 2008, 03:23 PM, said:
kossaxx, on Jun 12 2008, 05:49 PM, said:
Sleebo, on Jun 12 2008, 11:20 AM, said:
First thing that popped into my mind?: DBF
Second?: Star Wars Kid
Third?: Stupidity.
Nerf, not Foam Sword Battle.
wow, well when you're done fucking your mother i would like to see you make something half as nice as these
Just for the record, my mother is the most beautiful women in the world and people who make "Yo mama" jokes need to stop.
Also, I apologize for being a little to harsh, I could see this being fun. I just don't have the time to make these. But the youtube videos were just too good to pass up.
Apology accepted
heres another pic i just took: posing with my sword in a sheath i also made. This also gives you a sense of scale of the sword, as i am 6'

im planning on offering my services and taking custom orders on ebay, with choices like color, legnth, grip style, handguard shape and so on, ill post a link when i set an auction up, or just search for nerf sword in the near future if anyone interested
In Topic: Nerf Swords
12 June 2008 - 04:49 PM
Sleebo, on Jun 12 2008, 11:20 AM, said:
First thing that popped into my mind?: DBF
Second?: Star Wars Kid
Third?: Stupidity.
Nerf, not Foam Sword Battle.
wow, well when you're done fucking your mother i would like to see you make something half as nice as these
SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA, on Jun 12 2008, 11:42 AM, said:
Sleebo, on Jun 12 2008, 02:20 PM, said:
Why do you post in topics like this only to complain about something "not being Nerf," while overlooking the effort and functionality of the actual product?Nerf, not Foam Sword Battle.
Why is this in the Mods section?
About the subject: I don't know about their legality in wars, but they still look cool. How thick is the foam padding on your weapons, on average? Also, how durable are they? Does the core material warp after decent use, or is it pretty rigid?
thank you. Anyway, i posted in the mod section simply because thats the one i always check and i didnt even think of the other threads, it just completely passed my mind, my bad. The padding is about a centimeter to half an inch thick with thicker padding on the thrusting point. It's not meant to make it feel good when you get hit, it stings, but it does keep you from actually being injured while still looking slick and functional. They're not indestructible, but theyre meant for full contact usage and will stand up fine to being whacked together forcefully. However, if you are just trying to break them you will. Its a PVC core that i have reinforced and weighted to balance out the sword. I wont warp unless you leave it in your car in direct sunlight for a weekend, then i promise you it will. It would however shatter it you just smashed it into a steel beam over and over again.
foo fighter, on Jun 12 2008, 11:59 AM, said:
I agree with SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA 100%.
But aside from how long the core will last, what is the core? PVC? CPVC? Just curious, these look fun to make!
EDIT: And how exactly do you play with them? I mean, like, is it a one-hit-K.O. or what? Because if it's OHKO, then I can see your Tonfas being extremly useful.
you can come up with whatever rules you want and change it up from game to game. Typically in one on one duels we use a point system, with head contact weighing more. In group fights you get "stunned" for a period of time if hit, with last man standing winning.
I actually have made nunchucks before easily, but they are utterly worthless in a fight and not even worth mentioning... haha. Also you could just as easily go out and purchase a pair of foam covered chucks if you really wanted to.
Lastly, i dont know why you would consider H2H not nerf. Hand 2 hand has been a long established and prized aspect of nerf battles. Im far from the first to come up with the idea. Nerf is foam based combat with your friends, how is this any different?
Lynx, on Jun 12 2008, 01:40 PM, said:
I noticed the tape, sizes and shape.
Bwa? What is this Belegarth you speak of?!
In Topic: Imitation Is The Highest Form Of Flattery.
27 May 2008 - 10:55 PM
Blacksunshine, on May 27 2008, 01:48 PM, said:
Right on dude. Nice way to kick down the door and say hello. I do have a couple questions about the mod. Did you do anything to reinforce the plunger since you added the BBB spring. seems that is disaster waiting to happen. Mine with just the BBB added spring tore thru the plunger tube. Also why did you leave the bolt cover of?
Ha! thanks man. ok, well i left the bolt cover off just because i think its kind of an unecessary pain in the ass when reasembling the gun as i think it looks better w/out it (i hate how it flops around when cocking too.) As for the plunger i didn't find the need to reinforce it. I actually had the problem you're talking about with my first longshot (this being the second) and wound up taking some springage out. The thing is though that this new longshot is apparently a different generation from the first one, and just the tube is constructed slightly differently, and easier to mod too if i recall... So i didnt find myself having those problems again.
Splitlip, on May 27 2008, 02:49 PM, said:
Bomberman, on May 23 2008, 09:04 AM, said:
Omeaga, how can you see a barrel post? It's all black on the inside? I can't see anything.
kossaxx, on May 27 2008, 12:39 PM, said:
Omega, on May 23 2008, 08:34 AM, said:
In pic 8, it looks like I can see a barrel post!
kossaxx, the barrel post (99% sure, correct me if I'm wrong guys, I'm not completely used to the terminology yet) is the little tooth that goes into the back of a stock dart (I know it as a peg).
I think Bomberman is right on this one, You can't see anything since the black clip is there and the breech is closed. I'm pretty sure you're just looking at the bolt tooth.
yeah, i know. i was just being a sarcastic asshole because i thought it was a dumb comment. I'm sorry... Like people said, it would be impossible to see the barrel post anyway, and yes, i did take it and the AR out
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