As requested by FA at my concern, a thread about if headshots should be allowed. I'd like to know everyone's opinion on if a headshot is a good thing to do. I asked him if he thinks headshots should be allowed, and he says yes. Does anyone agree with him? Personally I don't. Please post your opinion.
EDIT: If no one posts in this, just close it.
DOUBLE EDIT: I don't want anyone thinking I have anything against FA himself. Just wanted to mention that. I just don't agree with the statement he said in the other thread.
- NerfHaven
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Member Since 16 May 2008Offline Last Active Sep 23 2010 03:25 PM
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- Member Title Formerly NerfOnFier
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday April 14, 1994
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Topics I've Started
12 March 2009 - 12:14 AM
Super Shot 2000
08 March 2009 - 09:54 PM
Okay, so I thought of this idea a long time ago, and i'm not sure if anyone has ever done it before. This was greatly inspired by the Chimera, and the home made Splitfire.
- LSFG Trigger/Handle
- AT2K Tank
- SMDTG Pump
- 17/32 Brass
- Sch. 40 PVC
- Tubing
- Hot Glue or Plumbers Goop
- E-Tape
Keep in mind, once I completed this, I realized I forgot to take pictures of the seperate pieces. So here is the completed blaster.

As for ranges, it's late right now, but i'm going with 85FTish.
Questions? Comments?
- LSFG Trigger/Handle
- AT2K Tank
- SMDTG Pump
- 17/32 Brass
- Sch. 40 PVC
- Tubing
- Hot Glue or Plumbers Goop
- E-Tape
Keep in mind, once I completed this, I realized I forgot to take pictures of the seperate pieces. So here is the completed blaster.

As for ranges, it's late right now, but i'm going with 85FTish.
Questions? Comments?
Double Barrel
22 February 2009 - 02:28 PM
Okay, so I was digging around in my junk drawer, and I found this piece from a broken Magstrike.

I decided to see if it would fit in a coupler, and the only coupler I had on hand was in my SNAPbow.

There is a black rubber-like foam piece on the head of the Magstrike piece, you're going to want to get a razor, and pry-cut it off. The following picture is what it should look like after the step stated above.

You're then going to want to cut your size brass. This is the second time i've done it, the first was a failure, but I did find out that when use McMaster foam, with a SNAPbow, you should be using 9/16th brass. I wouldn't try using PETG, because the brass is the only thing thin enough to get air from each output in each specific barrel. After cutting the brass, glue it on, and this is what it should look like.

Here it is again, on the SNAPbow.

In my opinion this is totally worth doing. The SNAPbow with a 10 inch CPVC barrel nested in PVC, hits 120-130FT. With this double brass barrel, the first shot was with both barrels a little above 70FT. Ramrodded, I hit around 80.
Questions? Comments?

I decided to see if it would fit in a coupler, and the only coupler I had on hand was in my SNAPbow.

There is a black rubber-like foam piece on the head of the Magstrike piece, you're going to want to get a razor, and pry-cut it off. The following picture is what it should look like after the step stated above.

You're then going to want to cut your size brass. This is the second time i've done it, the first was a failure, but I did find out that when use McMaster foam, with a SNAPbow, you should be using 9/16th brass. I wouldn't try using PETG, because the brass is the only thing thin enough to get air from each output in each specific barrel. After cutting the brass, glue it on, and this is what it should look like.

Here it is again, on the SNAPbow.

In my opinion this is totally worth doing. The SNAPbow with a 10 inch CPVC barrel nested in PVC, hits 120-130FT. With this double brass barrel, the first shot was with both barrels a little above 70FT. Ramrodded, I hit around 80.
Questions? Comments?
Star Wars Storm Trooper
25 January 2009 - 11:41 AM
I searched, and found a topic of the same gun, but in a different color by Jerm78. It wasn't modified, as this one is. Okay, so let's start this up. BustaDartInYOurAss, KevinFunny, and I were in target, when Busta spotted this thing.

They had looked somewhat promising, so we each took one home. I opened it up, but before I did you need to pry off the orange ring on the front, with a flathead.

Okay, here are some internal pictures.

Catch Area:
Catch Area with catch spring:
If you were to look at the handle/foregrip, you will see that it goes into the gun. The part going into the gun acts as a wall for the catch, the spring goes into the little screw hole. Confusing, I know. Next I glued on about a 4in. CPVC barrel straight on to the plunger tube.

I put it all back together, and here is the final product:

Oh yeah, almost forgot ranges. Stock, it comes with those shitty micros with the rubber inside, and that hits roughly 15-20FT. Modified I can say that with screamers, it hits around 40, with stefans around 50.
EDIT: Just thought i'd say it's not bad for indoor wars.

They had looked somewhat promising, so we each took one home. I opened it up, but before I did you need to pry off the orange ring on the front, with a flathead.

Okay, here are some internal pictures.

Catch Area:

Catch Area with catch spring:

If you were to look at the handle/foregrip, you will see that it goes into the gun. The part going into the gun acts as a wall for the catch, the spring goes into the little screw hole. Confusing, I know. Next I glued on about a 4in. CPVC barrel straight on to the plunger tube.

I put it all back together, and here is the final product:

Oh yeah, almost forgot ranges. Stock, it comes with those shitty micros with the rubber inside, and that hits roughly 15-20FT. Modified I can say that with screamers, it hits around 40, with stefans around 50.
EDIT: Just thought i'd say it's not bad for indoor wars.
Powerline Bb Gun
20 January 2009 - 08:55 PM
A few days ago I stumbled across a POWERLINE Model 15XT CO2 BB gun. I knew it was putting out much air, so went for it. I stuck on a 2 inch PETG barrel, just for a test, with some hot glue. My results are incredible. If this thing doesn't shoot the BB out of your stefan, it will be maxing at a whopping 57 - 63 FT. Flat. Picture time:

Hope you all enjoyed.

Hope you all enjoyed.
- NerfHaven
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