So while that kid probably died you guys all got to see your precious Jay Z!!
So make poverty history... yeah right. What about our own fucking country, go spend a day in Harlem or something and tell me that Africas the only place with poverty. Right now we are in debt $7,836,495,788,085.86, work on your own fucking country before you attempt to help out a country that doesn't even want our help. Remeber, someone dies of poverty or preventable diseases every 3 seconds, snap, snap, snap so lets have an 8 hour concert. Lets see, if my math is correct 9,600 people died during the Live 8 concert. Here's an idea, have everyone in the country donate a dollar to the poor little kids in Africa and then thats what... 300 million dollars that can go to a bunch of starving kids. Don't try that shit on me with a free concert to raise awareness. Fuck you Bob Geldof.
Don't take any of that post seriously, its just there to make you think. I don't like to get all political becuase I don't have much of a political stance and could really care less what other people are doing as long as I'm still alive and have a couple bucks in my pocket.
Oh and Yazz, Talio is a big guy I highly doubt he has a small penis.