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c t

Member Since 09 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2005 10:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Live 8

04 July 2005 - 10:32 PM

I thought that the whole Live 8 thing was mostly bullshit. Sure it was cool to see The Who and Pink Floyd, but what was it helping... On top of that the main audience of MTV and Vh1 are kids who can't vote so why raise "awareness". And not one of the people there gave a shit about Africa, every single person they asked replied "I came here to see Jay Z!!....oh and Africa's cool too."

Posted Image
So while that kid probably died you guys all got to see your precious Jay Z!!

So make poverty history... yeah right. What about our own fucking country, go spend a day in Harlem or something and tell me that Africas the only place with poverty. Right now we are in debt $7,836,495,788,085.86, work on your own fucking country before you attempt to help out a country that doesn't even want our help. Remeber, someone dies of poverty or preventable diseases every 3 seconds, snap, snap, snap so lets have an 8 hour concert. Lets see, if my math is correct 9,600 people died during the Live 8 concert. Here's an idea, have everyone in the country donate a dollar to the poor little kids in Africa and then thats what... 300 million dollars that can go to a bunch of starving kids. Don't try that shit on me with a free concert to raise awareness. Fuck you Bob Geldof.

Don't take any of that post seriously, its just there to make you think. I don't like to get all political becuase I don't have much of a political stance and could really care less what other people are doing as long as I'm still alive and have a couple bucks in my pocket.

Oh and Yazz, Talio is a big guy I highly doubt he has a small penis. Posted Image I bet you'd be pissed off if you had to drive through that mess. I bet it twice as bad in London.

In Topic: Base Type

26 June 2005 - 02:43 PM

Whenever I make a base which is in some indoor wars, its never anything fancy. Just something quick that I can jump behind if I'm gettting my ass kicked. Basically what I'm trying to say is, less time base building more time nerfing.