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Member Since 02 Jun 2019
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In Topic: Best guns/ammo when purchasing for a large group

02 June 2019 - 04:52 AM

+1 on the Kronos and Artemis. These are nice in that users don't need to lug around extra mags. Some big pockets or a simple belt pouch/bag should suffice (except for ball spammers who like to slamfire the Artemis...)



+1 for the Kronos, for it's cost it's probably my favorite from the Rival Series.



High schoolers shouldn't have trouble with any of the offerings. Jr. highers would probably be able to use them, but might need instruction in proper full operation (not short-cycling, loading procedure, etc.). Artemis is a solid choice and functionally similar to the titanium.



so you guys recommend the kronos and artemis over the helios, apollo, or atlas? any reason why?



In Topic: Next gen nerf. Or not.

02 June 2019 - 04:46 AM

The stampede, vulcan, speedswarm, powerbelle, and swarmfire all use the AEG system. The Cons you're missing are that it's just as expensive and complicated as a premium flywheel and a premium springer combined.


With current top-tier flywheel builds (brushless big wheel, daybreak wheels, eclipse, multistage, etc.) you're looking at a FPS of 150-220ish and beyond (multistage brushless I've heard has hit 300+, but that's an insane build). Most users don't need more than 200 FPS in the current meta, and 150 fits most superstock players just fine.


Finally, pneumatic builds are easier and no more expensive than an AEG. Airsoft makes them work because flywheels wouldn't work well on the tiny pellets making gas power the best/only option, and because they have such low mass (1/6-1/8th that of a typical nerf dart). They don't take as much power or as massive motors, plungers, and springs.



are the flywheel blasters annoyingly loud?