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Member Since 24 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active May 01 2019 01:17 PM

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Next gen nerf. Or not.

24 April 2019 - 12:59 AM

Hey nerf gurus (hopefully) I was wondering on the future of the nerf gun hobby and although I am not an avid fan as many of you are I was wondering why in pursuit of better FPS and dart stability the idea of installing an electric airsoft gearbox in a nerf gun hasnt become popular?? Educate me please? No Im not trying to make an airsoft gun. Nerf has its niche and I believe it should stay there as a safer kid friendly game but Im not a child and I like more power, range and versatility.

Pros: consistent FPS
Adjustable FPS
Flexible power supply (rechargeable batteries, HPA, even propane, green, red or duster gas.

Cons: diy modification required (obviously this only applies to those who want the pros with no work but thats what some of you may capitalize on)
Possibly dangerous due to irresponsible practices (higher FPS, more power, higher rate of fire raises safety concerns)