Hm. I have an easier time aiming pistols. I'm a pretty good shot with a handgun, but with a rifle I'm usually lucky to even hit the target. That and it's easier to transport pistols.
Of course it may be that I've never had a good rifle. Who knows?
I'm in the Grand Rapids area, west Michigan. I can get anywhere in the Grand Rapids area, and a bit further since I'm on summer vacation starting today.
Tech Target is approximately Nite Finder size and gets about the same ranges, depending on your mod and your darts.
People tend to avoid it because it costs more than a Nitefinder because you get the Target with it. I'm saving up some cash to get myself one, to compare it against my NF.
Well, I have both the tech target and the Nite Finder, and personally I like the NF better. Makes a lot less noise(the TTG makes this huge clang! every time you fire it), it seems to get a bit better range(slightly), and it's easier to aim.