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Member Since 20 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2011 03:39 PM

Topics I've Started

Longshot Mod Ideas

14 March 2010 - 11:52 AM

Been a while since I've been on here....I think a year or so. Moving on.

So, I know you all seem to hate the Longshot, and you're not the only ones. I have one and regret every minute of it. Like the Vulcan better, but it's lower on the project list.

Anyway, I'm wanting to mod the Longshot, and was wanting to get some input on ideas. Yes, VACC, I did search the mod directory. Wanting something more on the visual aspect of it...I don't really care how well it performs or not.

Try to keep it cheap, alright? I'm in college, I don't have much money.
