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Member Since 22 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active May 04 2020 12:16 AM

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Indoor Airsoft Arena Nerf War, Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 21st

03 October 2018 - 01:18 PM

Cincinnati Area Nerf Enthusiast present, another indoor Nerf war.




Date: October 21st


Time: Noon-4pm with dart sweep/ clean-up to follow


Location: 121 City Center Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio


FPS Cap: 200 FPS


Other rules: Linked to in the Facebook event.


This is at an indoor airsoft arena we have been playing at for quite some time. The arena is constantly being rearranged and we try to mix up game types each time to keep things fresh.


The arena is difficult to find, the entire industrial complex shares a single address, use the pictures to help you find us. The first pic is a map from where a gps will drop you off, second pic is an alternate route if you get stuck by a train or lost, the 3rd pic is the spot to look for if you are taking the second route.


Cincinnati, Ohio Indoor Nerf Wars Return!

09 September 2018 - 07:05 PM

Cincinnati Area Nerf Enthusiasts (C.A.N.E.) present indoor nerf wars in Cincinnati, Ohio


Unlike other indoor Nerf wars in the Cincinnati area we allow modded blasters, and our events are run by individuals who have been in this hobby for over 10 years.


We are currently doing Sunday and Friday Nerf wars at an Indoor airsoft arena in an old warehouse type environment.


Friday wars are held at night, 7pm-11pm for game play with dart sweep and clean up after.

Sunday wars are held noon-4pm for game play with dart sweep and clean up after.


We also do outdoor wars which could fall any day of the weekend, outdoor games are almost always free and will be posted on the Facebook page.


These events will vary in date and frequency from month to month, so be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay up to date.




Cost: $10 per person for Indoor wars, parents and guardians can pay to join in on the games, or they can watch for free.


Address: 121 City Center Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45216

**Note** The arena is very tricky to find, the entire industrial complex has a single address and will not lead you directly too us. Your best bet if you have not played at this arena with us would be to use the address to get to the general area, then search google maps for Ohio Valley Indoor Airsoft. I have also included pics below to help you find your way too us, these cover multiple routes in as there are sometimes things such as trains, semi trailers, construction, etc the make finding your way to us a challenge. If all else fails please message the facebook page and we will try to find any lost people.


Rules: These are subject to change at any time based upon any issue that may arise, or for special game types.



Upcoming events:



**Note** The arena does get warm, we encourage you to make a plan to stay hydrated, the arena does keep a limited supply of beverages on hand for sale, and but you may want to consider planning to keep yourself hydrated beyond that.


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Cincinnati, Ohio Indoor Nerf Wars, C.A.N.E.

22 July 2018 - 07:11 PM

Cincinnati Area Nerf Enthusiasts (C.A.N.E.) present indoor nerf wars in Cincinnati, Ohio


Unlike other indoor Nerf wars in the Cincinnati area we allow modded blasters, and our events are run by individuals who have been in this hobby for over 10 years.


We are currently doing Sunday and Friday Nerf wars at an Indoor airsoft arena in an old warehouse type environment.


Friday wars are held at night, 7pm-11pm for game play with dart sweep and clean up after.

Sunday wars are held noon-4pm for game play with dart sweep and clean up after.


We also do outdoor wars which could fall any day of the weekend, outdoor games are almost always free and will be posted on the Facebook page.


These events will vary in date and frequency from month to month, so be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay up to date.




Cost: $10 per person for Indoor wars, parents and guardians can pay to join in on the games, or they can watch for free.


Address: 121 City Center Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45216

**Note** The arena is very tricky to find, the entire industrial complex has a single address and will not lead you directly too us. Your best bet if you have not played at this arena with us would be to use the address to get to the general area, then search google maps for Ohio Valley Indoor Airsoft. I have also included pics below to help you find your way too us, these cover multiple routes in as there are sometimes things such as trains, semi trailers, construction, etc the make finding your way to us a challenge. If all else fails please message the facebook page and we will try to find any lost people.


Rules: These are subject to change at any time based upon any issue that may arise, or for special game types.



Upcoming events: Here are 2, but check make sure to follow us on Facebook for more.

Friday August 3rd.


Sunday August 12th.



**Note** The arena does get warm, we encourage you to make a plan to stay hydrated, the arena does keep a limited supply of beverages on hand for sale, and but you may want to consider planning to keep yourself hydrated beyond that.