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Member Since 16 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2011 01:15 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Power Wheels Warthog With Vulcan Chaingun!

10 January 2011 - 01:18 AM

I am still waiting for my Helmet!!! Lol but I will be starting another video game related power wheels as soon as I get some more money.

In Topic: Power Wheels Warthog With Vulcan Chaingun!

30 April 2010 - 10:11 PM

truthfully, the guy who made this deserves something, if i had the time (and i do) and if my computer was connected to the printer, i would wip up a recon helmet and send it to him.

Thanks for all of the POSTIVE coments and Where is my helmet??

In Topic: Nerf Maverick Help

19 November 2009 - 04:41 AM

okay i have this nerf maverick nad i want to mod it. So far i have the barrel modded to come out more and the ar's removed. But the ar's arent fully removed. The ar cap thingy that has the stem i just cut off the stems. i just want to have more mods for it cuz it sucks balls.

40-50ft flat
60-80ft angled.

My modded nf does:
60-80ft flat
80-100+ft angled

For my mav I also removed the plastic peg or pegs that keep the round chambers from comming out. I removed them it makes loading it a lot easier and faster.

In Topic: Power Wheels Warthog With Vulcan Chaingun!

19 November 2009 - 04:26 AM

I mounted the gun by useing the tri pod that came with the vulcan I attached it using some u bolts after doing some cutting and modding to the tripod. If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask.