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NJ NerfSquad

Member Since 12 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2009 05:30 PM

Topics I've Started

1st Anual ____ (north Jersey Nerf Outing)

06 December 2009 - 11:35 PM

Well... The winter is here... The wars are developing. How about a nice North Jersey War?

Location: I am thinking Wilde Memorial Park, Glen Rock, New Jersey. It is a fairly good sized park and it has many jungle gyms/obstacles/trees for hiding.

Date: Not 100% sure just yet. Some time around January 9th which is a Saturday.


1. Eye Protection is not required, everyone here is old enough to make their own decisions and I'm not going to act like a strict parent regulating someones fun.

2. Bring money for food, there is a food market and many deli's and pizza places about 2 seconds from the field.

3. Bring/Wear warm clothing because it will be chilly.

4. I am not going to ban any guns, I am going to hope that everyone can realize limits to gun power. Obviously if I see anything to intimidating I may ask to shoot it and check it out... Most likely there will be little restrictions... The only thing I could possibly think of are bike pump titans...

5. Let's try to make this a big event, I'm willing to organize it if people are willing to put some effort in to...

I know there are a lot of people from Jersey here, let's try to start off the North Jersey Winter Wars with a bang.

Attendee List:

NJ NerfSquad

Jersey Shore On Mtv

06 December 2009 - 11:23 PM

Well, MTV recently decided to release a show about guidos and guidettes that are from the tri state area. They all settle in a home at the Jersey Shore, Seaside Heights to be exact. Well, to say the least, the show makes New Jersey look like crap. I believe a comment made on the first episode was "People from Jersey don't know how to drive or party"

Not that it affects my life so badly, but being from Jersey, some offense is taken to this understatement. For one, I know a lot of people that can drive well and party hard. I just think it is pure ignorance for these Staten Island guidettes to make snobby ass comments about the state I live in.

I may be going to far by actually getting pissed off by such stupidity but seriously, I mean, If people from Jersey made comments about New York or Connecticut (Just using those as an example) Citizens of those particular states would also most likely get upset...

Now I don't judge anyone by their cover but I watched 2 minutes of this show and already Jersey was looking like total crap.

Sorry for those who's time I wasted... But, has anyone seen this show? It is on Thursdays @ 10 PM on MTV.

And although I am pissed at the comments made about Jersey, I must say though that the show is very entertaining and funny... I just wish my state wasn't undermined by some bimbo, fake breasted, guido.
