Well... The winter is here... The wars are developing. How about a nice North Jersey War?
Location: I am thinking Wilde Memorial Park, Glen Rock, New Jersey. It is a fairly good sized park and it has many jungle gyms/obstacles/trees for hiding.
Date: Not 100% sure just yet. Some time around January 9th which is a Saturday.
1. Eye Protection is not required, everyone here is old enough to make their own decisions and I'm not going to act like a strict parent regulating someones fun.
2. Bring money for food, there is a food market and many deli's and pizza places about 2 seconds from the field.
3. Bring/Wear warm clothing because it will be chilly.
4. I am not going to ban any guns, I am going to hope that everyone can realize limits to gun power. Obviously if I see anything to intimidating I may ask to shoot it and check it out... Most likely there will be little restrictions... The only thing I could possibly think of are bike pump titans...
5. Let's try to make this a big event, I'm willing to organize it if people are willing to put some effort in to...
I know there are a lot of people from Jersey here, let's try to start off the North Jersey Winter Wars with a bang.
Attendee List:
NJ NerfSquad
NJ NerfSquad
Member Since 12 Apr 2008Offline Last Active Dec 28 2009 05:30 PM