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Member Since 25 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Apr 02 2018 11:11 AM

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In Topic: Caliburn: Mag-fed Pump-action Springer

22 March 2018 - 07:30 PM

I put my Caliburn stock variant up on Thingiverse - STL is up, along with a simplified STEP of just the crucial geometry and a rough shape. I figured that anyone who wanted to change the design would prefer having a simpler shape to start from, as my CAD software often has trouble importing anything complex as well.




Attached File  6560eeb161d13e336162fff24e16f913_preview_featured.jpg   32.97KB   60 downloads

In Topic: Caliburn: Mag-fed Pump-action Springer

05 February 2018 - 03:03 AM

TantumBull, on 28 Jan 2018 - 08:44 AM, said:

Caliburn owners, what are your opinions on how this would affect priming the pump grip?




I'm trying to integrate an ammo counter in the lower receiver, and after spending a bunch of time placing it and building a housing, realized that this could easily affect access to the pump grip. I have yet to print a lower receiver (and thus assemble my Caliburn), so I don't really have a feel for how annoying this would be to prime. This is for a lefty btw if that wasn't clear. Thanks!


Should be okay, though slightly awkward depending on how you pump it. My right wrist (also left-handed) seems like it'd barely clear the front of the counter housing.




My piddly arms didn't like the length of the Caliburn's pump, so I made a shorter version. 2" shorter plunger, draw length, and spring. Hits ~150 FPS with [k25] and Accufakes. Lots of fiddling with the rear half to get it to work right, trigger pull is still hard due to the reduced leverage.



I also made a different Caliburn-compatible stock, replacing the foam plate. This design also requires less effort/time to unscrew the long screw for spring swapping.


Side view.


It fits onto the back by slotting onto the threaded rod, reducing wobble compared to the original Caliburn design.
