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Member Since 16 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2009 01:30 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: At2k Range Improvement

17 November 2008 - 03:29 PM

Now if you want to maintain that average while turreted, you just need to move the tank a little closer to the turret, drill out the holes that lead from the turret's stem to the barrel, and then replace the stem with a piece of OMC PETG (fit's perfectly). My fourth design using this idea (which, by the way, removes the goo gauge) consistently hits 100'+ with three pumps (mineral oil on the o-ring helps reduce the number of pumps) and 130'+ with six pumps. Angled, at six pumps, it can hit the 200' mark.

I want to see pictures of this adapted for use with the turret (aka not singled)!

In Topic: Modification and Paintjob Pictures

05 May 2008 - 01:14 AM

Here is my Nitefinder...

1) AR Removal
2) Ace #49 Spring replacement
3) Paint Job
4) Double O-ring (Ace #14 o-ring added to stock one)
5) Plunger Head reinforcement (3/8 Washer epoxied to front of plunger head and the entire plunger head epoxied to plunger rod and screwed in with stock screw)
6) Barrel replacement soon to come....

Posted Image
Posted Image

It's for sale by the way (cheap)... so PM me for details or to make an offer.

In Topic: To Good To Be True Mod?

13 April 2008 - 04:39 AM

The 3 pronged, peg, and the piece that is not the peg in the first pic are all air restrictors, but the piece in the first pic, should NOT be taken out, as it stops the plunger head. This should be drilled out, and the gaps around the rim should be filled with hot glue.

I apologize in advance for what are probably dumb questions. But, in the case of the Maverick, to do a basic "air restrictor" removal, you remove the three pronged piece behind the peg piece, cut the peg off the peg piece (to shoot homemade darts) and/or drill out the peg off the peg piece leaving a much larger (and cleaner) hole, and then you put that drilled out peg piece back on the back end of the turrent where it originally was at... except now there is no longer a peg coming out of it, a three pronged piece behind it, and a spring behind that......... Right?

In Topic: To Good To Be True Mod?

13 April 2008 - 04:24 AM

See, but is the piece with the peg the air restrictor? The piece with the three prongs that is behind the mav's piece with the air restrictor? Likewise, is the circular piece behind the piece with the peg in the NF the air restrictor? Or are those pieces, as a pair, make up an air restrictor together? Just to clarify...

In Topic: Maverick Mod Failure....

03 April 2008 - 12:43 PM

Well, I guess I drilled them out more than anything.

I took the turret apart and removed the 6 orange circles with the pegs that the darts slide onto. I more or less removed the pegs and the immediate surrounding area so that only the part that fits over the back of the turret case were left and I put those back on, glued that area, and then screwed it shut. I did not glue the entire thing, just the part that makes contact with the turret.

Basically, I tried to do what is shown in this youtube clip:

Though without much success since the gun now only shoots stock distance at best, and possibly a little worse.

What I was asking was that in 1:32 of the clip, you can see all 6 drilled ARs, and i was saying that I thought I might have over done it and that they are no longer making a good seal with the two halves of the turret, which is why I glued it and that seemed to have helped some.

At 1:36, you can see the area I glued, which is just the edge of each orange circle.

So are you saying that I didn't need to drill a bigger hole like seen at 1:32, all I needed to do was just cut off the pegs?