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Mr Snuggle Bunny

Member Since 03 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2008 12:49 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Bergen County Nerf War

27 November 2008 - 12:34 AM

You are an embarrassment to the entire East Coast scene. Shape up, or it's off to HQ for you.

wait why did you change my name and why is it an embarrassment

In Topic: Bergen County Nerf War

27 November 2008 - 12:00 AM

You are an embarrassment to the entire East Coast scene. Shape up, or it's off to HQ for you.

why what did I do

In Topic: 2009 Nerf War Schedule

26 November 2008 - 01:11 AM

hey I just wana know when and where exactly in new jeresy and how does this work cuz im new