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Member Since 04 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2005 02:21 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Meh Bitchin' Nf

21 June 2005 - 11:45 PM

it's almost the same, the only diff. is cheesenerfer didnt post pictures of after. in the post it was completed except for the tubing, but other than cheese nerfer not having the tubing at the time of the pic, it was done. ps the drawing was just to illustrate the trigger mechanism.

In Topic: Meh Bitchin' Nf

21 June 2005 - 11:36 PM

click here
an oh, its nylon, im sorry

In Topic: Meh Bitchin' Nf

21 June 2005 - 11:19 PM

ya, this mod looks really slick. but it has been done before, i saw it posted here a couple months ago

In Topic: Messing With A Sspb

13 June 2005 - 08:38 PM

ya i dont know exactly why it fills so fast, but every now and again i test for leaks then i fill leaks w/ superglue and hot glue (which holds suprisingly good against pressure then it doesnt leak at all.

In Topic: Messing With A Sspb

12 June 2005 - 01:10 AM

i made mine into a pistol, although all i did was take the case off and glue ithe sspb into a handle from something else, it actually looks pretty kool, kinda like and oldskool flintlock pistol. i fire mine from my thumb amd its tank is filled to the max with about 2-4 pumps (i havent plugged the pump tho). although it could use a different barrel, but i have a removeable bb barrel on it. any ways, i dont know much about the valve, i had started a post a while back asking if anyone knew how the valve worked and no one responded.