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Member Since 04 Mar 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2010 02:27 PM

Topics I've Started


06 October 2005 - 02:51 PM

Hey its back sweet. The first games were last night and I watched the Rangers game and the Islanders game and thought that this new ruling system and everything is much more exciting. In the Islanders game in the 3rd period alone there was 4 goals and thats more then there was for the most part in a single game last season. I like the way things are being played and will still be rooting for my Rangers, yea they won their first game finally a good start.

Thoughts? Comments? Post what you think of the future of this season.

Warrin In Ct

09 August 2005 - 05:39 PM

Well I have been talking to some of the CT nerfers and finally I got one to give in, ct will host a war in New Milford. This topic is to discuss attendancy and dates. Since he is the host we will have to go with the best dates for him and I believe he said that it is best during this month. I am thinking towards the end like the last weekend, just post your availibility, thanks.

Long Island Nerf Out

23 June 2004 - 11:33 AM

Here is the planning thread for the first LINO. It will be held at Eisenhower Park in East Meadow. Post here if you will be able to attend and tell us what date is best for you.

Edit: scratch those dates just tell us when your availible.

Well I'm Off To Make Another Map

13 April 2004 - 04:23 PM

I am making a nerf madness game, for those of you that know what that is skip this paragraph. It is a game where you choose who you are and you battle against other people. You will keep getting 1 guy every second at your base. After you get about 250 kills you will upgrade and get a better version of your guy. You can use your mass attacker which sends all you guys to one location and cuases mass chaos.

Now what I want to know is who would like to be a character in this game. I think I can have 6-8. Now all you have to do is post:
1. 3 weapons you want to have for each level, EX lvl1: bbb, lvl 2:1500...
2. What type of guy you would want to be, EX lvl1: marine, lvl2 ghost.., oh I suggest taking a close range guy for first level and a flying or guy that can attack flying for the 3rd level. Don't expect to be a flying guy for the 1st level. If you don't know what the hell I am talking about that is ok.

I think that is all I need. Thanks for your coperation. Even if you don't play SC you can still be a part of this.

There are going to be 2 people teams. So after we get enough people you can choose who you want on a team.

If you would like to see who else is going to be a part of this just check here.

Got Off My Lazy Ass

12 April 2004 - 06:55 PM

Well I got off my lazy ass and finished my SC map, it is called Nerf arena. You start with a nerfer with no clan (its a marine) and you get to join 4 groups. You can choose from, LGLF, LCM, 4 horsemen or no clan. As you get kills you can buy another nerfer with no clan or you can upgrade the men you have. Like with the 4 horsemen you start with Death with duel LNLs(it is a zergling) and when you get enough points you can upgrade to Famine with a Xbow(sorry but your an infested kerrigan). If you would like to play send me an Email, or talk to me on AIM, or send a PM.