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Member Since 16 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2015 08:18 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: NDA Exclusive! New 2013 Nerf Mega Centurion

03 March 2013 - 03:16 PM

I really hope they don't call 1" diameter darts "Megas" since for the last decade or more we've used that term for 5/8" diameter, and use "Mongos" for 1" diameter darts (popularized ForsakenAngel circa 2008?).

This is an interesting design though. To market towards the looozars, they up the range (supposedly flat ranges too, which is nice). But then to keep to their safety standards, they increase the diameter to distribute the impact more. I'd guess the new darts have even more impact absorbing designed into the tips than streamlines (deforming the hollow tip absorbs most of the kinetic energy). However, to get that much energy to the dart while letting little kids used it, it sounds like they used a spring that's not very stiff, but is really long, hence the 2' plunger tube.

All that said, if those spec's are right, it's still of very limited modding use to us. We don't really want 10"+ long strokes, which limit rate of fire, comfort and, as it turns out, efficiency. This seems to be just as hurt as most blasters by being targeted to kids, which is of course unavoidable. It surprises me that any production company would openly suggest some capability for modding, since the official stance is always "do not modify this product."

In Topic: Gears' Spring Break at Smedley

03 March 2013 - 01:23 PM

I'm still planning on going to this, and it sounds like a bunch of guys who went to Grid Code are too.

Actually, I hate to have to do this, but something came up, and I'm pretty unlikely to be able to make it.

In Topic: NJW13

03 March 2013 - 01:13 PM

As much as I'd love to, I can't fit three wars in three weeks, or even four. I'll try to get out to your next one, unless you decide to change the date for this one.

In Topic: 2013 Nerf War Schedule

20 January 2013 - 12:41 PM

I'm not sure if we're not allowed to post other peoples' wars anymore, but there are some unlisted East coast wars coming up:

[url=nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23562]23rd [NJ] NJW12[/url]

[url=http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23524]9th [PA] Gears' Spring Break[/url]

In Topic: RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER: War at 'The Grid Code' Indoor Ner

10 January 2013 - 05:38 PM

I assume at this point that you're just not going to send me an invoice. I'm going to show up either way, so you might as well get the deposit in advance.