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Member Since 05 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2016 03:23 AM

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In Topic: Help with Demolisher modding

21 August 2016 - 03:53 AM

what you should do it get some barricade motors and imrs rewire it with either the stock wire or slightly better wire and you will have a good blaster, use 3 imrs and a dummy battery

what you should do it get some barricade motors and imrs rewire it with either the stock wire or slightly better wire and you will have a good blaster, use 3 imrs and a dummy battery


Can I use a stockade motor since I don't have a barricade and I am extremely tight on the pocket

To do a rewire, you need a new switch, a sautering iron, some better electrical wires, and new motors. I would recommend Make Test Battles Rhyno motors (they are size 130 motors, meaning you won't have to do any shell modifications to install them), maybe some kind of brass guide, and a new power source, like a lipo battery (2s or 3s). Those are what you need for a demolisher mod. Also, why did you get rid of the rocket launcher piece. You could have couplered it. A guy on SBNC loadouts did it, and it worked for him.

The thing with rocket launcher is that it is sort of useless and took up space. I'm more of a fan of carbine with high dps, low weight, accurate and with good range and because of that the rocket launcher screwed it up. Plus the grip on the bottom of the launcher felt awkward