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Member Since 13 May 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2016 07:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Which Stores Sell Buzz Bee Blasters

20 October 2016 - 02:18 PM

So I'm currently trying to get my hands on a Buzz Bee Destiny but my local Target doesn't sell any Buzz Bee blasters.  I know Walmart sells them but the closest Walmart is 30 minutes away and I'm not willing to go that far to get this blaster.  Fredmeyers is close by but I never really payed any attention to Buzz Bee so I don't know if they have any if their are any stores near my area please let me know.  I live in Seattle, WA near Northgate Mall.

Overhauled Nerf Rapidstrike Uzi

14 May 2016 - 12:57 PM

Hey guys, So I'm currently working on a Rapidstrike Uzi like this one https://i.ytimg.com/...xresdefault.jpg and it will have the following.

1. Li-on battery upgrade(x3)=x

2. 3D printed canted flywheel cage=

3. complete rewire=

4. new triggers=x

5. new motors=

6. black and white paint job=

7. volt meter=

8. stock attachment point=

(The "x" means completed)

So I'm debating whether I should get 180 or 130 motors so if you have a suggestion please post it below and if your going to give a link please make it an amazon link.