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Member Since 27 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active May 29 2016 09:31 AM

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Stampede vs Rapidstrike vs ??

28 May 2016 - 02:39 PM


So, in my previous post I talked about really enjoying the Hammershot and Strong arm.

Now I am looking to expand my inventory to a fully auto option and was wondering what experience and advice you guys had here.

There are a number of items out there, in the fully auto world, and I figured I would lay out the ideas of what I am interested in.

Goals: I would like a full auto blaster that I can potentially mod. Adding things like metal breeches, and barrels, etc. To get some performance, and weight/feel.

I would also like to be able to shoot both stock and modded rounds. Though, if that's not really a thing, then I will stick with my koosh and ACC's.

Now, to the blasters i am looking at.

1) Rival - yes, I am aware of this blaster and intend to get one when the newer one comes out this fall. (Khaod MXVI-4000)

2) Rapid Strike - I like the core look and or idea for this blaster, but am unsure if the length is going to fit. As a 6'1" adult, I've got longer arms, and I don't want to feel too cramped.

Thank being said, I am also interested in modding , so if this blaster is a good idea, I'd love to hear your reasons why.

2) Longshot - Is there a version of this that comes fully auto? Has anyone posted a mod making it fully auto?

3) Stampede - I've seen a couple versions of this floating around I think. Anyone had any experience with it vs the others?

4) Retaliator - I also like the look of this one. Any word on making it full auto?

Any others gems that I might be overlooking?

Thanks guy,

New to Blasters - Really enjoying the Hammershot

09 May 2016 - 11:35 AM



Just started to dabble in this hobby with a recent purchase of a Hammershot. Was instantly impressed with just how much oomph there was behind this thing. Also, quite enjoy the hammer locking mechanism. 



That being said, I was wondering if you experts could point me in the right direction on a number of questions - I have checked the forums, and did not see what I was looking for. If I missed it, please feel free to slap me on the wrists, and if possible, point me in the direction of the missed info. 

Couple questions:


1) I have seen people talk about the BuzzBee Ultra-Tek Rapid Tek. Has anyone tested it against the Slingfire? 


2) How does the Maverick Rev-6 (Strongarm?) stack up to the older ones. I am enjoying the Pistol Blaster feel with the Hammershot, and am interested in more blasters of this variety. 


Also, someone in a previous post about a dart question I had mentioned that you no longer needed to modify the AR's in the Hammershot, and I looked all over, and couldn't find any supporting posts or information on this. Can anyone point me in the right direction, or elaborate? I see quite a few posts indicating that one of the first mods is changing out springs, and plates, and modifying AR's. 

Thanks for your time,



What darts should I be using?

08 May 2016 - 11:27 PM


I recently purchased a Nerf hammershot, and have been browsing the forums quite a bit.

My goal is to enjoy the blasters, with some adult friends in a non sanctioned (or official) manner.

I looked into the mods for the blaster already, and looks like I will be removing to air restrictor(s), and possibly applying more lubricant.

As for darts, I have looked into the various types and am a little overwhelmed. There are a LOT of variants running around out there, and while I have seen a few guides about what the different types are, I haven't found one that explained the pros and cons of including most of the variants. The guides I have seen here seem to cover only a few types.

On to my question: What would be the best darts for me to use for range and accuracy? The green Zombie Strike darts seem to be wildly inaccurate, and that is rather frustrating.

Also, given that I am using a spring blaster (correct?) That uses the dart posts inside each chamber (also correct terms?), am I able to use things like Stefans or Home-mades?

Thank you,