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Member Since 03 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2016 11:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Rapidstrike Issue - Stripped Screws

20 January 2016 - 08:26 AM

So I was trying to open up the Rapidstrike last night, but stripped a couple of screws.  I've tried using a rubberband, but that didn't work.  Can someone please help?  The two screws are located in red circles:


Amazon Nerf N-Strike Elite Darts Knockoffs - Question

06 January 2016 - 11:37 AM



Does anyone know if they're any good?  I've read that their tips are harder, but I'm not sure how they are in a Rapidstrike.  I assume any Nerf knockoff dart would work on a StrongArm since it's not motorized, right?  


Or can someone please recommend a place to purchase cheap darts?


Thank you for taking time to read this.

Nerf Rapidstrike CS-18 Battery Upgrade Questions

04 January 2016 - 10:36 AM



My 4 year old kid loves the gun, but it drains the C batteries after a couple of days.  I looked up battery mods and got a lot of info regarding purchasing two eFest IMR AA batteries with PVC tubing along with two "dummy" batteries (I wasn't able to find much info about that nor how to make them).  Then I read that using those batteries isn't exactly safe which is important to me since my kid is playing with it.  I also read that using "LiPo" batteries is good, but I have never attempted to rewire stuff.  Also, I haven't really found any detailed how-to to install the LiPo batteries.  


Could someone please help me mod the gun so that the batteries last longer and is safe for my kid to use?  

Another question I have is the dart jams a lot.  Is there a fix for that?


Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.