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Member Since 12 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2024 01:04 PM

Topics I've Started

Good Glue Gun for Modifications

09 January 2016 - 09:55 PM



You guys did a great job putting me onto a really nice soldering iron. It arrived yesterday and so I move onto my next tool: Glue Gun.


I was watching videos by "Make. Test. Battle" and he used a glue gun a lot. This is such a great idea, especially if you make a mistake or something. 


Which Glue Gun do you guys prefer/use? What kind of glue sticks do you guys use? I have heard of non-permanent sticks and regular. Which ones are which?



A good Soldering Iron

25 December 2015 - 03:56 PM



Sorry if this is the wrong area, but I figured since it pertains to modifications, this would be the correct forum. 


Can anyone recommend a good soldering iron? What are features to look for and what to watch out. 


My soldering gun is just too hot and the tip seems way to big for my applications here in re-wiring a blaster. 


Any suggestions or help would be appreciated!!

Nerf Modification Companies

14 December 2015 - 07:18 PM

I will get this straight out there: I am brand new to Nerf products after a hiatus of about 20 years. Getting back into it because of my two children. So technically, a "Nerf Dad". 


I was wondering if anyone knows of any companies out there that modifies Nerf Guns for you at a premium? I had read that Coop772 ("Frank") had a website that use to sell some, but he closed down in October of this year. My wish is to find somewhere that sells whole guns (i.e. Rapdistrike) already to go. If so, how much would these things run? 


My search via Google revealed nothing, so I am left to even wonder if any exist. Maybe there are liabilities involved? Which is hard for me to imagine, given that I am heavy in the firearm competitions realm and since those things kill, how could this steer companies away from modifying a foam dart blaster?


Any thoughts would be helpful. As usual, be gentle since I am so new.