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Member Since 09 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 11 2016 09:56 AM

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In Topic: barrel mod for the bigshock

20 March 2016 - 09:36 PM

You could just use cpvc which is very cheap and easy to find. You should be able to find it in most hardware stores but some Lowe's have stopped selling cpvc.

ya I could use cpvc but the aesthetics of the pipe are not so pleasing to me where the molded part looks less homemade.

In Topic: barrel mod for the bigshock

20 March 2016 - 08:30 AM

Rebarrel the dart tag thing all the way with brass. Fun times are to be had

I have not gotten into nerf modding that hard yet to be playing with brass. I just have been using old blaster parts so far.

In Topic: barrel mod for the bigshock

20 March 2016 - 07:46 AM

Or you can buy the converters from worker, which are also easily removable

You cant get one for 3 bucks the price I payed for the dart tag pistol for this mod.

In Topic: Merf.co darts

14 March 2016 - 05:13 AM

Second batch of Merf.co darts in the making useing old beat up stream line darts and a big slurpee straw that fit the dart on the inside to give them new life, best used in front loading blasters with post and AR removed.934037_10153284678621386_389009713007455

In Topic: dart storage?

13 March 2016 - 05:54 AM

10458495_10153282636176386_7969857966240netted bags the orange one that golf balls comes in are great and twice as big as the nerf netted bags.