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Member Since 12 May 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2015 01:21 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Any Nerf people here in So Cal?

05 September 2015 - 01:15 AM

Here, I'm not that much a Nerf Person, but I do live in So-Cal.

In Topic: [NERF MILITARY] Join Royal Arendelle Today

16 May 2015 - 04:43 PM

Where in California are you?

Southern California

In Topic: [NERF MILITARY] Join Royal Arendelle Today

16 May 2015 - 01:22 AM

I'll be the D.J. if you want... WAIT!?! Isn't the name from *shivers* Frozen!?!

In all seriousness though, if you need 20 medics I'm afraid... are you using thumbtack darts or something? I most certainly don't want to be a loser. I'm just confused... or your all speaking in code or something.

You guessed it, you aren't joining this Nerf Military because just it's name. I mentioned it in the post.
20medics, it's my own decision. I made the Nerf Military group though.