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Member Since 07 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2019 12:19 PM

Topics I've Started

Guts of RF20 in swarmfire: Can it be done?

03 July 2015 - 05:55 PM

Long story short, I have a RF20, but I don't care for the shape of it, but I like the performance. My friend suggested putting the guts of it in a swarmfire, which I found interesting. Do you think it can be done? Has anyone ever tried it. Please tell me about it. I'm interested.

Accuracy mods

23 May 2015 - 06:44 PM

I couldn't help but notice that most mods are about range and almost none regard accuracy. I don't know of too many types of mods so, I'd like to ask hopefully some more experienced people. What are some ways to improve a nerf gun's accuracy?

Thank you in advance to anyone who contributes.

(and I apologize in advance if this post is worthy of a warning)

Best nerf gun to loan out

11 May 2015 - 11:55 PM

I'm looking for something cheap, magazine fed, and that I can loan out to people without having to explain much to them. What would you recommend and where can I acquire a large quantity of them?