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Member Since 29 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2015 09:04 PM

Topics I've Started

I was scammed by Drac?

09 July 2015 - 03:40 AM

Hey guys! I have been in the forum once or twice, but it's been about a year since this happened and he popped in my suggested videos on YouTube a day or two ago, so it reminded me to take my last stand.
Last year around this time, I send a Private message to drac asking about a commission, where I detailed it, and asked for a quote. He quoted it, then we continued to talk through email where I paid him on PayPal (around $175 dollars) and he emailed me once or twice after that then just stopped. He would not reply, he would not write. He then possibly blocked me on his YouTube because none of my comments about it get any recognition. So I beg. If anyone has legitimate contact with him, has done a deal with him, or if you are in this forum yourself, please respond. Thank you.

This belongs in the Buyer Seller feedback thread if it pertains to a deal made on this site. Otherwise, you're on your own.

How is the LA community?

30 July 2014 - 05:16 PM

[font="Times New Roman"]Hey everyone, I have been nerfing for a while now, but usually smaller wars with my friends and my brothers,etc. On youtube i follow a number of nerfers that are a very big part of the community, but they all live in the Southeast. I live in the suburbs just outside of the heart of Los Angeles, and am interested in becoming a part of the major nerf wars. I noticed that there are a few nerf wars in CA listed in the "2014 nerf war" list in top articles, but all I would like to know (and please be nice to me, this is my first post and am just trying to get used to Nerfhaven) is how big is the nerf community in LA? and also, is it growing or diminishing? Thanks!