The Nerf Powerclip is a vintage gun, being in its tenth anniversary this year. It is essentially the first full-auto nerf gun available and is certainly worth getting one. I recently paid a hefty price to obtain two, one in perfect working order, the other busted. I fixed it but then broke it again, so I might fix it some day but I have other projects all lined up. Anyway, having a broken one is good as it allows for removable clips and if the pump happens to break (I’ve heard it is prone to) I can replace it. Okay, on to the mod.
The main focus on this mod (for me anyway) is on the clips. I will also show you how you can increase the range but I won’t have done this mod (my previous powerclip owned did though) and I want to prolong the life of my gun.
Oh, before I start, I just want to thank whoever some of the pictures in this writeup came from (majority of them are mine, maybe one or two aren’t)
Bike Tire Tube or Rubber Bands
Dremel or File/Hacksaw

Firstly, grab your screwdriver and unscrew the gun. Go slowly as I have heard the screwheads can break off. Internals: (courtesy of cheesypiza001, ignore the circle)

Remove the clip and bust out the ARs on the back (the + shapes) You can now fire stefans and have a very slight range increase.

Now grab your dremel/file and sand down the ridge shown on both sides of the clip. Then clean up with sandpaper. The clips are now removable. The one of the right is sanded.

This is where I closed up my gun and was happy (I play indoors) Do the next step if you wish to gain a range increase by about 15ft.
Grab your bike tyre tube and cut about 2-3 inches of it. Now unscrew the air bladder and simply slip the tire tube over the bladder.

You can also use 20-30 elastic bands instead of a tire tube. Put the gun back together and your done.
Clip Mod Only – 30-35ft
Full Mod – 40-50ft