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Member Since 04 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2019 02:53 AM

Topics I've Started

Aspects of an air blaster, what's more important?

16 July 2015 - 06:16 AM

So there's a lot that goes into any dart blaster, I'm specifically interested in compressed air powered blasters for this though. What goes into making an air blaster good and what's the most important thing? Off the top of my head I can thing of Volume, Pressure and possibly dump valve diameter. If you can come up with other aspects that influence performance or have ideas/opinions on what's most important and why then feel free to contribute.
Thanks :)

homemade airgun help

15 April 2014 - 07:24 PM

So after trolling through the homemades directory and searching multiple different things I couldn't find a simple tutorial for a basic air chamber system. There are plenty of full blaster tutorials as well as things like back pressure chambers, but there are no standard "pulling-a-pin" style system tutorials. I have a stripped apart and hollowed out mega centurion sitting at my desk and it's been doing so for a while. I'm hell bent on sticking a BIG air-tank in this thing and having it in no way war legal. Before people start telling me to put a titan in there, 1. it's diameter is too large to fit, 2. The main idea of this was to be able to make my own system for whenever or whatever I want, also looks better.